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“When a person believes God is irrelevant and feels apathetic toward him.”

How can we share the gospel if they don’t care?


How can we share the gospel with someone who doesn’t care about God?

It’s quite tricky if you’ve ever tried.

People are becoming increasingly more indifferent to questions of faith.

In Apatheism, Kyle Beshears explains that “apatheism”, driven by secularism, comfort, and distraction, is an apathy toward God that affects us holistically. More than merely defining the problem, however, this book points towards a solution – urging readers to recapture the joy of their salvation in order to faithfully demonstrate the love of Christ to their apatheist friends and neighbors.


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What they’re saying.


“A wise pastor once told me the biggest problem we face as Christian leaders is not hostility but apathy . . . Beshears helps us stoke the latent desires of unbelievers to want to want to believe.”

Collin Hansen, The Gospel Coalition


“With painstaking scriptural focus and a heart full of compassion for the lost, Beshears lays out an approach that is both biblical and wise. If you care about the people who don’t care, you need this book.”

Daniel Darling, National Religious Broadcasters


“This book is essential reading for anyone seeking to effectively share the gospel with those who have lost touch with that deepest desire of every human heart for the pursuing love of God.”

Paul Gould, Palm Beach Atlantic University


“[Beshears] provides us with important truth to consider in order to be both faithful and effective in our witness, as we radiate a contagious joy in Christ, and as we reflect the love of our God before a broken world in need.”

Tony Merida, Grimké Seminary, Imago Dei Church

“If you care about the people who don’t care, you need this book.”

- Daniel Darling

Other resources

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“Athens Without a Statue to the Unknown God”

Themelios 44, no. 3 (December 2019): 517–529

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“Apatheism: Engaging the Western Pantheon of Spiritual Indifference”

Churches on Mission: God's Grace Abounding to the Nations, 2017


How to Share when they Don't Care

Interview by Joe Fontenot of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary


Why Apatheism Is More Challenging than Hostility

Interview by Collin Hansen of The Gospel Coalition


Apathy Toward Discussions of God

Interview by Josh Taylor of Sermonary

Apathy Toward Discussions of God

Interview by Clay Kraby of Reasonable Theology